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Manage Services/Daemons in Fedora Core, CentOS, FreeBSD, Debian, Ubuntu

January 25th, 2010

I introduce you my small manual for Linux Administrators how in most popular Linux-family OS config your services/daemons with comfortable tools.

Manage Services/Daemons in Fedora Core / CentOS / Red Hat

After you have created your own service, placed it in /etc/init.d/ dir, you need to set the runlevel for it.

To control services either use




if you are using the command line, or use


in the GUI. Gnome users: System > Administration > Server Settings > Services.

Manage Services/Daemons in Debian / Ubuntu

For Debian I recommend you to use sysvconfig package.

To install do the following:

apt-get install sysvconfig


Manage Services/Daemons in FreeBSD

Unfortunately, in FreeBSD there is no such comfortable utility to manage services. You need do edit
/etc/rc.conf manually.

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