Plesk: Premature end of script headers OR cgi_wrapper target uid/gid mismatch (500 Internal server error)
January 24th, 2011
When you have a newly installed Plesk, it’s not enought to run PHP-scripts in CGI. Unfortunately.
You need manually copy suexec file from Plesk binaries file folder to system binaries folder.
In common cases it does command:
# cp /usr/local/psa/suexec/psa-suexec /usr/sbin/suexec
If cp cannot find any of files, search they manually
# locate suexec
Important! It’s recommended to make a copy of system’s suexec file
# cp /usr/sbin/suexec /usr/sbin/suexec_old
Thanks for the tip, I’m having timeout and end of script errors for the cgi_wrapper so fingers crossed this should sort it now.